Artist,  photography

Mandy Lea, Photographer

Mandy is a brand ambassador for several products that she uses, believes in, and shares values with their brands. She is regularly published both online and in print, and often interviews on podcasts, television, and at live events.

When did you know the photography/video industry was for you?

I think I have fought being in the photography industry my whole life, but when you are passionate about something it just sucks you in. I’ve been into photography since I was a child, but as I went through school I refused to make it my job – because I wanted to keep it my hobby. When I went to college I majored in Chinese Language because I thought it would be more useful, and I really didn’t want to pay for a photography degree. But of course, when I graduated, I got a job at a camera store and could simply never leave the industry. When I finally embraced it (years later) is when it flourished.

How did you get your current position?

My current position is the head honcho at my own self-employed business, so I guess you could say I gave it to myself! But really, like I said in my last answer, when I finally embraced my passion is when it finally worked for me. I knew what I wanted to do and I had a plan to make it happen. When my friends and family would ask me what my “plan B” was, I would simply tell them there was no “plan b”… Plan A was going to work.

How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job?

While I took a few photography classes in high school and college, they did absolutely nothing for preparing me for the real world of running a photography business. That, I learned in the field. I worked for 10 years at Precision Camera in Austin, Texas. My time there really taught me a lot about the actual industry of photography. It gave me a behind the scenes look of the way manufacturers interacted with the local stores, the company reps, the sponsored photographers, etc. I also met a lot of amazing photographers through the years who taught me more than any school. Eventually, I was ready to go at it alone.

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career?

My greatest obstacle has been being taken seriously as a landscape photographer and educator. The photography industry has always been male-dominant, but especially so in the field on landscape photography. Not only am I female, but I am relatively young compared to other landscape photographers. I’ve always been able to sense people’s doubt in me when I tell them what I do, but I just let my work stand for itself. Usually after people research me online and see my work, then they come back and say “oh, I didn’t realize you meant you were a REAL photographer”…

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?Why?

During my time at Precision Camera I was able to meet all of the photographers that came to teach for us. Each one of them imparted inspiration on me in whatever their specialty was. At first it was portraiture, then glamour, then live events, and finally a transition into landscape. Each photographer and genre taught me something different. I guess I just stuck with the mountains because they complained less than models 🙂

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be?

I’m sure any educator would answer the same – that it is seeing the inspiration you impart on others come full circle. I have a folder on my computer where I save screenshots of messages from people who I have inspired, or who have told me that I have somehow positively influenced their life. When I am feeling down or over-worked, I will read through these messages. However, to be perfectly transparent, it is an interesting question of compensation. I can’t live this life and do what I do without paying bills – and unfortunately I can’t pay bills without money. It’s a bit of a Catch 22 – without the money from my work I can’t do my work. So I guess, just pay me in money so I can turn it into inspiration!

To see more of Mandy’s work:

My Book: