Photographer: Matthew Jordan Smith
Matthew Jordan Smith is an American photographer based in Tokyo, Japan and working between Tokyo, New York City and Los Angeles. He has photographed some of the worlds most famous celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Queen Latifah, Angela Bassett, Tyra Banks and more. His advertising clients include Olay, Pantene, Revlon, Showtime and HBO.
In his spare time Matthew focuses on personal projects, photo exhibits and book projects. To date, Smith has published three books, Sepia Dreams, Lost & Found, and Future American President.
He has received numerous awards including the Vision Award and the George Eastman Power of Image award. He is a Nikon Ambassador and the host of the Master Your Lens photography podcast. Matthew is represented by LVA Represents in New York City.

When did you know the photography/video industry was for you?
It was early on for me. My Dad gave me a camera when I was a kid and showed me how to process my own film. From that moment, I was hooked and haven’t looked back. Now at first it was a hobby, but as I entered high school I became more series.

How did you get your current position?
LOL! My current position is and has been working for myself for the past 30 odd years. I went to art school, then dropped out and moved to NYC to work as a photo assistant for a few years. After gaining experience on set every day, I branched out on my own and today I live in Japan and travel back and forth to the States photographing assignments and speaking about the joy of photography.

How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job?
My real training was working as a photo assistant in New York City to some of the best fashion/beauty photographers in the business. I was on set every day or on location working under great photographers. It was on the job training really and I learned everything to have my own business. Without that, I would not be where I am today.

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career?
There were MANY obstacles so it’s hard to pick just one. It was hard being an African-American trying to break into a world that is mostly white. It was hard to get work as an assistant at first, then it was hard, (and is hard still) getting work as a photographer but you just don’t let anything get in the way. Hard is just a part of life and if you’re not willing to work hard and push yourself you shouldn’t aim to be a photographer. It’s not easy, but it’s not supposed to be. You learn to believe in yourself and push through all adversity because they will come.

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?Why?
Gordon Parks. He was the first person who looked like me who was making a living, a good living, as a photographer. I read a book about him early on in my career and it changed my life. Years later when I met him in person, he was even more of an influence.

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be?
Wow, that’s a good one. I guess it would be shares of a company I believe in, that has great potential for growth.
To see more of Matthew’s work, visit:
Instagram: Matthew Jordan Smith
Website: www.Matthewjordansmith.com
Online lightning course:
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